Sunday, 4 October 2009

Flying The Flag

When the day comes, we're going to need an island. An island, some guns and lots of stuff made by Haribo. In fact, forget the guns, just double up on the Tangfastics, ok?

If you're cool, and YOU'RE NOT MAD OR ANYTHING then you can come live on the island too, yeah?

It's gonna be called Compact Cassette Island, and I've not bought it yet, or got anything sorted at all, but I am working on the new currency, and of course the flag.

You're only a proper country when you got a flag. This island will be a democracy, so the citizens, you if ya want, get to vote yes or no, and can also contribute flag ideas.

I'm no artist, but I'm very patriotic, ok.
Your thoughts are welcome.

A fresh and unusual compact cassette tape tomorrow - hang on to your hats...

If you take drugs, you might not have to any more.

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United Kingdom
I like compact cassette tapes. We have compact cassette tapes for breakfast, compact cassette tapes for lunch, and compact cassette tapes for supper. Sometimes we even have compact cassette tapes as a midnight snack. That is why I am Cassette Man.
